Country Lakes
The main parking lot is on the southeast corner of Diehl Road and Shore Road.
The preserve is open one hour after sunrise to one hour after sunset.
General Info
Dogs are allowed at the forest preserve but must be on leashes under 10 feet long. Alcohol is prohibited. Read our complete rules and regulations.

Things To Do
Public parking is available with easy access to the Illinois Prairie Path in Naperville.
Natural Features
Country Lakes is a 34.5-acre wetland that provides stormwater management for surrounding developments. Restoration areas include prairie and wetland, creating diverse wildlife habitats.
Country Lakes has a variety of native plants, some regionally rare such as Illinois sensitive plant, indigo bush and pickerel weed. It has a natural marsh with fluctuating water levels and restored prairies and wetlands, which provide habitat to dozens of types of birds, including the state-endangered black-crowned night heron, osprey, marsh wren, pied-billed grebe and red-shouldered hawk.
The Forest Preserve District acquired 25 acres of Country Lakes in 2001 and additional smaller parcels through 2011.