Scout Merit Badges
Scouts can add a different merit badge to their sash at one of our education centers. These fun, hands-on programs are for Scouts ages 11 – 17 and are $10 per program hour per Scout. Some programs have prerequisites that Scouts must complete in advance and turn in at the program. Questions about any of the badges? Call Fullersburg Woods at 630-850-8110.
April 6 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Kline Creek Fam • $30
Learn the merits and uses of heritage and other livestock breeds and discuss proper planning and management. Prerequisites: Complete requirements 1, 2, 3, and 7 turn them in at the program Requirement 6 will focus on the farm's Cotswold sheep. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or call 630-876-5900.
June 22 • 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. • Blackwell
June 23 • 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. • Blackwell (optional)
Learn the basics of using a bow and arrow and the proper techniques for shooting a compound bow. Equipment provided. If needed, Scouts can meet on Sunday, June 23 to complete the proficiency requirement. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-933-7248.
May 11 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Fullersburg Woods • $30
Learn about bird anatomy and identification — including bird calls — and how to use binoculars and field guides. Prerequisites: Complete requirements 5, 7 and 9 and turn them in at the program. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-942-6200.
Aug. 12 – 14 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Graue Mill and Museum • $90
Through hands-on experiences Scouts will learn how to help conserve our most precious resource — the planet. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-850-8110.
Sept. 14 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Herrick Lake
Sept. 15 • 9 – 11 a.m. • Herrick Lake (optional)
Learn fishing safety, first aid, common equipment, knot tying, fish identification, sportsmanship, ethical angling, and how to catch fish. If needed, Scouts can meet on Sunday, Sept. 15 to complete the proficiency requirement. Prerequisite: Complete requirement 10 and turn it in at the program. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-933-7248.
Dec. 14 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Fullersburg Woods • $30
Explore the world of minerals, rocks, and fossils of northeastern Illinois at this hands-on course. Instructors will cover the Earth History option (5d) for requirement 5. Prerequisite: Complete requirement 4a or 4b and turn it in at the program. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-850-8110.
Aug. 3 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Fullersburg Woods • $30
Learn about insect adaptations by investigating and observing live insects and developing skills to study these amazing creatures. Prerequisite: Complete requirements 5a, 5b, 6a, 9, and 13 and turn them in at the program. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-850-8110.
July 6 and July 7 • 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. • Hidden Lake • $80
Learn about boating safety and the parts of a kayak. Then, learn how to properly paddle as you earn your kayaking BSA award and merit badge. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-933-7248.
Oct. 12 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Fullersburg Woods • $30
Spend time in the prairie and woods learning about mammals and the features that distinguish them from other animals. Then, participate in a project to benefit mammals in DuPage. Visit scouting.org for badge description and requirements. Register online or at 630-942-6200.
Nov. 16 • 9 a.m. – Noon • Fullersburg Woods • $30